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Healing emotions behind cancer with Elke Love

Healing emotions behind cancer with Elke Love

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Elke has helped clients clear cancer. Based on hundreds of clearing & healing scripts Elke has used as part of her hands on & distance healing work, she now brings you the condensed culmination of this work. Emotions can cause disease. Metaphysical influences can cause disease. Toxins used in work, in the ground & other chemical products can cause disease as we know. Elke has found, in the last 20 years, that metaphysical influences can be cleared quickly. Psychological & emotional trauma which cause disease can take a bit longer. Environmental toxins are the toughest to clear. These are all addressed in this MP3.  If you have, or know someone who has cancer, this powerful paraliminal played on repeat, or at least once daily for 16 weeks or more, can add to the healing process.